Wednesday, November 18, 2009

File This Under Humbug, Bah

according to my last post, it's november. that's a good thing right? thanksgiving is the next major holiday. then i turned the radio on. christmas music. really? what the crap is that doing on?!?!?!?! i haven't had turkey yet. people of the radio world, one holiday at a time please. i can't celebrate christmas for a month and a half. i love christmas as much as the next guy, but seriously, i can only take so much josh groban. plus there are only 14 different christmas songs. if i wanted to hear different versions of the same song i would listen to rap music!
then you have these people who decorate for christmas mid-november. if setting up for christmas 1.5 months prior is acceptable, then we have to allow for 1.5 months post christmas. that's 3 months of rudolf in the front yard. unacceptable people. we can't allow christmas to take up 25% of the year. we can't have this!
when should we start anticipating the celebration of the immaculate conception? glad you asked me. maybe we should look towards Jesus' momma. she had her turkey, dressing (not stuffing), and cranberry relish (not sauce,) then she went shopping for His happy b-day banner. on black friday. at wal-mart. (they had a deal on sandals that year. Jesus gets a pair for his b-day and all of a sudden it becomes the hit of the millennium. very glad he didn't get a furbie. coulda been an annoying 1000 years.)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Is He Cocky or What? I Think What.

arrogence and cockiness. most think they are one in the same. me being the perpetual humanatarian, i'm here to set the world straight. anyone who knows me know that i am rather arrogant. i'm ok with that. i believe that arrogant comes from the greek aros which was the greek god of confidence. so therefore, arrogance is nothing but confidence. i'm very confident. i'm ok with that. some might say, i'm overly confident, but it adds to my boyish charm.
cockiness on the other hand, comes from the klingon word cochery, which means to poke Lt. warf with a needle. who is lt. warf you ask? time you watch some star trek nest gen. he's the biggest bad ass ever on star trek. anywho...therefore cocky means to prick. or in shortened form, just a prick. so it is safe to say, an arrogent prick is cocky.
i really hope that this has cleared the air on this hot topic of debate. i considerate my public service for the month of september. what's that? it's november? crap. i really gotta change my calendar.

p.s. no animals were harmed for this post.
also no actual research was done for this post.